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Monday, June 3, 2013

CATS members to present at ICA in London

Several CATS members will be skipping over the pond this June to represent the OSU School of Communication and present research at the International Communication Association annual conference in London. CATS members names are indicated in boldface:

Ahn, S. J., Fox, J., Dale, K., & Avant, A. Framing embodied experiences in virtual environments: Effects on environmental self-efficacy and behavior over time.
Anderegg, C. M., Dale, K., & Fox, J. Maintaining you and me: A content analysis of relational maintenance behaviors on primetime television.
Bushman, B. J. "Remain calm. Be kind": Effects of stressful and relaxing video games on aggressive and helping behavior. 
Dickinson, T., Hanus, M., & Fox, J. You got coffee in my racing game: Brand congruity and reality in video game advertising.
Dillon, K. P., & Bushman, B. J. How do you rate real life? The public's rating of the documentary   Bully: The Movie.
Ewoldsen, D. R., & Velez, J. The benefits of cooperative game play in violent video games.
Fox, J., Jones, E., & Lookadoo, K. Romantic relationship dissolution on social networking sites: Social support, coping, and rituals on Facebook.
Fox, J., & Ralston, R. Sexualized avatars and women’s experiences of self-objectification and identification in a virtual environment.
Garrett, R. K., Johnson, B. K., Neo, R. L., & Dal, A. Implications of pro- and counterattitudinal information exposure for affective polarization.
Johnson, B. K., & Knobloch-Westerwick, S. Glancing up or down: Mood management and social comparisons on social networking sites. 
Johnson, B. K., Vang, M. H., & Van Der Heide, B. Show me the goods: The warranting effect of user-generated photographs in online auctions.
Joo, Y. K., & Lee, J. E. R. When happy drivers go green: Effects of egoistic/altruistic framing and affective states on eco-driving. 
Lee, J. E. R. Does virtual diversity matter? Effects of avatar-based diversity representation on willingness to express offline racial identity.
Van Der Heide, B., Dickinson, T., Schumaker, E. M., & DeAndrea, D. C. Explaining online self-influence: Exploring the effects of computer-mediation on attitude change. 
Yang, G. S., Huesmann, R., & Bushman, B. J. The effects of violent game playing on implicit stereotyping and behavior.