
See the calendar on the right for upcoming meeting times and topics. (Click on dates in bold to see what's happening.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Comm Tech Journals

The list of publications we discussed at the last CATS meeting (2/11/11) is now online. (Link below and on the sidebar to the right). There are still some gaps where more information needs to be added, but it should give you a sense of what is out there. If you'd like to help update the document, let Kelly know and he'll get you access to edit the Wiki. There's also a list of organizations and conferences based on a meeting from last year if you're interested.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Call for Abstracts: ACM Web Science Conference 2011

The Web Science Conference is another outlet that CATS members may be interested in. Although this is an ACM sponsored event, Scott Poole is one of the two program chairs, Barry Wellman (a sociologist) is giving the keynote, and the call is clearly oriented toward the social sciences.

A few details are posted below, and see for more information.

Web Science is concerned with the full scope of socio-technical relationships that are engaged in the World Wide Web. It is based on the notion that understanding the Web involves not only an analysis of its architecture and applications, but also insight into the people, organizations, policies, and economics that are affected by and subsumed within it. As such Web Science, and thus this conference, is inherently interdisciplinary and integrates computer and information sciences, sociology, economics, political science, law, management, language and communication, geography and psychology. This conference is unique in the manner in which it brings these disciplines together in creative and critical dialogue and we invite papers from all these disciplines and those which cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Submission deadline for extended abstracts: 28 February 2011

Notification of acceptance: 21 March 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ICA's Communication and Technology Division Doctoral Consortium

The Communication and Technology Division of the ICA is sponsoring it's second annual doctoral student consortium. This is a great opportunity for students who have defended their dissertation proposal to get feedback from other students, and from leading scholars in the field.

This year's deadline is February 15, and the full call is available here:

New doctoral students: Keep this opportunity in mind as you plan your time here.